

01 Nov



It’s been six years of Relic-cracking, resource-hunting and Bullet Jumping through the Origin System for Tenno on PlayStation 4! To say thank you, we’re giving away exclusive items from now until December 2!

Log in to find the following items waiting in your Inbox: Obsidian Kyroptera Syandana, Obsidian Dex Dakra Skin and a Forma! Then get your Fashion Frame mission-ready before you take on the next part of our Anniversary celebration — Alerts!

There are four Alerts for you to test your skills against to earn exclusive Anniversary rewards! Complete all four to earn:

  • Obsidian Excalibur Noggle + 10,000 Credits
  • Obsidian Azura Excalibur Noggle + 10,000 Credits
  • Obsidian Ivara Noggle + 10,000 Credits
  • Obsidian Dex...
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Get ready to party, Tenno! Starting November 1st, we’re celebrating one full year of Warframe on Nintendo Switch! Raise a Joy-Con, join the festivities and get some free Cosmetics!

Here’s how you can celebrate with us!

  • Log in and get the Opal Imperator Syandana, Opal Dex Dakra Skin, and a Forma!
  • Complete the Anniversary Alert to earn an Opal Excalibur Noggle
  • Pick up the Nintendo Color Picker in the Market for only 1 Credit!

Thanks for joining us for the first exciting year of Warframe on Nintendo Switch! Make sure to log in and claim your gifts before the celebrations come to a close on December 2 at 2 p.m. ET.

We can’t wait to share many more anniversaries with you!


Thank you all for giving us a good scare! It was spooktacular. And now, here are the official winners of the Orbital Haunt Contest:

Orbiter Winners:

  1. --VLP--__AxoN

  2. ...

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Ten fine mustaches have made their way to the in-game market, and they’ve really grown on us. We want to see what each mustache brings out in you, Tenno! Take a Captura image that depicts the unique attitude of one of the moframe ‘staches and describe to us what you wanted to depict.

How to enter:

Show us the attitude your new mustache brings out in you! Take a Captura image that truly embodies your chosen 'stache and write a brief description of what inspired you. Share your image and description in the in this thread for judging


Tweet the image and description with the hashtag #moframe2019 to enter the contest. You must be following the ...

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Hotfix 5

  • Behind-the-scenes changes! Nothing to see here...

21 Oct



As Arlo’s story comes to a close, it’s time for Nightwave: Intermission to take over the airwaves.

During Intermission II, you can earn fan-favorite rewards from both Nightwave: Series 1 and the first Intermission!

Rank Rewards include:

  1. 150 Intermission II Creds
  2. 2000 Endo
  3. Weapon Slots x2
  4. 200 Ducats
  5. Arlo's Flame Decoration
  6. 50 Intermission II Creds
  7. Kuva x 20000
  8. Wolf Salute - Emote
  9. Orokin Catalyst
  10. Orokin Reactor
  11. 50 Intermission II Creds
  12. Kuva x 20000
  13. Napalm Grenades (Augment)
  14. 3-Day A...
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18 Oct


The dead shall rise again, and their vengeance will be swift and merciless. In The Old Blood update, take on the Kuva Lich, your personal villain; trample your prey as the ravenous Grendel; cleave through flesh and bone with the robust Melee Phase 2 rework; utilize Vauban and Ember’s revamped Ability Kits; and collect a smorgasbord of new Gear and Customizations.



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Hotfix 3:

Behind-the-scenes changes for the upcoming Nightwave: Intermission and something spooky!

Missed Change:

Disruption Relic Reward Changes:

Based on some great player feedback we’ve shifted Relic types around per Rotation for some Disruption nodes to better balance the reward vs length of time you’re dedicating to the mission: 


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop Axi Relics, replacing Neo Relics


  • Rotation A Rewards now drop Meso Relics, replacing Lith Relics
  • Rotation B Rewards now drop Neo Relics, replacing Meso Relics
  • Rotation C Rewards now drop A...
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1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

@[DE]Heleni would request a clarity:

You have mentioned one submission per person ,

But there is provision for submission of dojo / orbiter , is it then limited to one submission per clan in case of Dojo?

Or does it mean that 5 people from the same clan can submit different parts of the dojo they have decorated?

Ours is a clan with a lot of decent decorators ,

If we can segregate some rooms and corridors for this contest , would we then be disqualified as it would be from the same Dojo ??

Great question!

Five people from the same Clan can submit different rooms they decorated. If you'd prefer to keep it all in the same post to represent your Clan, you could also have one person submit and credit each Cl...

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We love when Warframe horrors send chills up our spines. The screeches of nearby Infested, the flickering lights of an uninvited guest, Rap… tap… tap… This Hallowe’en season, we want you to embrace the fear by turning your Dojo or your Orbiter into a haunted house!

How to enter: Decorate your Dojo or your Orbiter like a haunted house. Submit images or video of your haunted house in this thread for judging!


  • 1st place – Atlas Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Dojos and Orbiters will be judged separately, which means t...

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16 Oct


Hotfix 2

Nightwave Changes:

The following Acts for future Nightwaves have been changed based on player feedback:

  • Removed the ‘Guild a Modular’ Act.
  • The ‘Polarized’ Act has changed from 3 Forma to 1 Forma. 
  • The ‘Grove Guardian’ Act has changed from killing 3 Silver Grove Specters to 1.


  • Minor performance improvements when killing Infested Crawlers.


  • Swapped a duplicate Axi P2 Relic in numerous Interception mission drop tables with the correct Axi A6 Relic. 
  • Swapped duplicate Relics on Rotation A of some Interception missions and replaced with correct Relics (Neo Z3 and Neo C1).

11 Oct


Thank you for sharing your music with us! You used the Shawzin beautifully. We're so impressed by all the creativity in this thread!

You can watch the full winner reveal from Prime Time #264 here:

Official Winner List:


Solo Entries:

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02 Oct



From now until November 1, log in and face your fears during our annual Day of the Dead community event!

Ghoulish New Goods

Show off your spooky side with these new Day of the Dead items, available for a limited time in the Market!

  • Day of the Dead Shawzin: Embrace the fallen with this soul-crushing Shawzin.
  • New Halloween Glyphs: These eight frightening Halloween Glyphs are sure to scare your squad. Pick them up individually or as part of the two new Halloween Glyph Bundles!

The Dead Return...

As is tradition, all previous Day of the Dead Bundles are back for a limit...

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26 Sep


The final episode of Nightwave: Series 2 is live on all platforms!

We also have an official end date for Nightwave: Series 2! You have until October 13th to rank up and earn rewards, including the Emissary Operator Suit, Nikana Maligna Skin, Spore Ephemera and more! 

A note on Episode 5:

Without spoiling too much on what Episode 5 brings, we wanted to provide a bit of information on ZEALOT CODES. 

Zealot Codes are required to engage in a new encounter brought in Episode 5.

What’s a Zealot Code? If you’ve noticed this, you’ll know completing these gives you access to Zealot missions: 


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25 Sep



We intentionally left September as a bit of a ‘light’ month for releases to give ourselves time internally to focus the whole team on finishing parts of that infamous Whiteboard. As we prepare to kick it up in October, we bring Nightwave Series 2, Episode 5 to all platforms!

Enjoy the final chapter of Arlo’s story and take a good look at how you want to spend your Emissary Creds, be...

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24 Sep



Embody the herculean strength of the mountain with Atlas Prime. This titanic warrior comes with the Tekko Prime, the Dethcube Prime Sentinel and more!


Atlas Prime Access Features

  • Atlas Prime: In bygone ages, mountains were said to house warriors. In this age, the mountain has become the warrior. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.
  • Tekko Prime: As merciless and indestructible as Atlas Prime himself, Tekko Prime crushes and splits with tectonic force.
  • Dethcube Prime...
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Hi all! I also had a drift issue recently, and re-calibrating the Joy-Cons on my Nintendo Switch ended up fixing it. Here's a guide to calibrating: https://www.howtogeek.com/311879/how-to-calibrate-the-joy-con-controllers-on-your-nintend...

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23 Sep


Hey everyone,

Sorry it took us so long to address this bug - thank you for your patience! The team has found a fix that we plan to launch with the next main update. 🙂

20 Sep

13 minutes ago, Virg099 said:

But how about a macro to play the song still haven't addressed this yet

We would prefer if submissions didn't use macros, but it would be very difficult for us to track in video and audio submissions. We will be focusing on the overall compositions themselves when we choose winners!

You can read more about our official stance on macros here:


3 minutes ago, Blitzkriegor said:

What editing is allowed? I see macros and simultaneous players are allowed. Could Captura green screen players (or same player) be edited in with multiple audio tracks? So same idea but asynchronous and edited together. Likewise, could multiple Warframe environments or audio-only sound captures be added in at various points? Like Mandachord sounds during battle so the loop is different every time due to ambient events/battle/etc? Or maybe a set of such loops cloned and threaded into the audio background for the main Shawzin track? If so, what are the limits of sound editing as long as everything is recorded natively from Warframe? I assume distorting Warframe sounds would make them inadmissible, or you could simply make any sound you want.

Great question! You can edit tracks together as long as the sounds themselves are not heavily distorted and are from Warframe. It...

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